Friday, December 30, 2011

Belly shots 7w1d

The date may be off, but until my first OB appointment I will go with my calculations. :)

Well, here I am. Bloated and pudgy from previous pregnancies. I actually lost all the weight from T's pregnancy, but not from R's. Oh well!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mornings with my babies!

Please check out my photo. Check out this application: Sent from my Android.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Baby #3!?

The shock we felt upon finding out the news of Baby 3 was shared with many. Tay is only 7 months old. We always said when it came to getting pregnant, it will happen when it's supposed to happen.

Already this baby has made its presence known. On Christmas Eve I was in the ER and that is when we learned that Baby 3 has its own set of rules. I thought I was 8 weeks but it turns out I just missed a period for no reason and then became pregnant after that. I am about 5 weeks.

I'm already a bit sad that I'm gonna get big again. I really want to try to stay in shape this time around. We shall see. I'm felling pretty bloated these days, so I hope after the holidays it will go away.